Hello AFGE Delegates,

My name is Sharon Gellineau and I am a federal employee with the General Services Administration (GSA) and a proud member of ​AFGE Local 236. Like many people, I moved during the pandemic, but unlike most people, I moved so that my oldest son could have ​a life-saving transplant from my youngest son who was a match as his donor. In 2022, although the Government had not mandated ​return to office, my then manager gave me only a few days to report to the office from out of state, even though I worked remote for ​five (5) years prior. When I was unable to report to the office in person due to my child’s medical condition, I was written up and ​placed on AWOL (even though I still worked remotely that day). The Managers then denied my request to work remotely from another ​state although many of my similarly situated peers of different races were readily approved to work remotely from other states.

The harassment and intimidation continued following this incident and once the Managers became aware of my son’s disability. With ​the help of my AFGE Local 236 Union Rep, John Garvey, he directed me to contact as many people at AFGE National as he was ​concerned that I would be removed from service in less than 30 days. I called and emailed every leader that I could at AFGE National, ​but only one person returned my call offering to help me. From the moment I heard, "Sister Sharon, I am sorry to hear about your son ​and about the relentless harassment, intimidation and undue extra pressure that you have undergone." He then said, "How can I help ​you?", and I knew at that moment that there was hope and that there was someone at AFGE National who still made time to talk to ​and assist a member from a small AFGE Local. NVP Jeremy Lannan recognized the urgency of the matter and instead of sending me ​back to the regions that made me aware of how issues are addressed (a lengthy process), Jeremy went to work to resolve the matter ​so I would not suffer more undue stress and adverse actions. Brother Jeremy sent a letter to my agency leadership and was ​successful in getting me transferred out of the hostile environment I was working in and he put a stop to the further written ​reprimands and harassment I was being subjected to. Because of Jeremy’s commitment to the rank and file members of our union ​like me, I was able to retain my health insurance and my son was able to receive the lifesaving treatment that cost 1.8 million dollars. ​This would not have been possible without Jeremy’s intervention to save my career, my healthcare, and essentially help save my ​son’s life. Myself and my Family are forever grateful to Brother Jeremy for his leadership, but most importantly for his compassion for ​the members of AFGE, including myself. I know wholeheartedly that if given an opportunity, Brother Jeremy will fight for the rights and ​protections of each and every federal and DC Government employee and especially our AFGE Members like me!

Please show your support and Vote for Jeremy Lannan to serve as AFGE’s National President. We need a Leader that serves the ​Members of AFGE and helps us protect and fight for our families in return.

Sharon G., MBA

AFGE Local 236 Member